Consider Accidental Death Insurance – Just in Case

Accidental Death

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. You never know what could happen. Get coverage today!

Accidental Death (AD) insurance can be used to supplement life insurance or it can be used as an alternative when securing life insurance is not possible. As the name suggests, this coverage is designed to protect your beneficiaries should you die accidentally from a covered accidental injury, such as a car crash.

If you have already a life insurance policy, you may find that you have the option to add AD. This coverage pays benefits in addition to any life insurance you have, making it a cost-effective way to boost your benefits in the event of a covered accident.

Accidents are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control1

AD insurance covers you 24 hours a day, every day of the year, worldwide. Benefits are paid if your death results from a covered accidental injury within one year of the injury. AD insurance is simple to purchase because there are no health questions to answer, and your acceptance is guaranteed.

While the payment of AD benefits is limited to loss of life from accidents, AD insurance is a very affordable “just in case” add-on. Premiums are less than $6 per month for $100,000 of coverage.

Young, active people may want to consider AD insurance for several reasons:

  • Those under the age of 44 are more likely to die from unintentional injuries than any other cause, according to the CDC.2
  • AD is ideal for those who are active, particularly those who travel frequently or are engaged in sports, or other risky activities.
  • The younger you are, chances are greater that your dependents would be left with more years without your income.

Because acceptance is guaranteed, AD insurance may also be a good option for family members who may have been declined for life insurance due to health reasons.

Consider adding this simple, affordable layer of protection.

1,2Centers for Disease Control, 2019.

Learn more about Accidental Death insurance

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